Blogging by Freij Insight: Strategic and operational regulatory knowledge shared and explained.

When you discover a new post by Freij Insight you should expect to learn something new in the space of regulations, innovation, technology and strategy (including Regtech). You should also expect the knowledge to be based on a combination of rigorous research and practical expeience and observations. We will gradually share groundbreaking research insight as well as practical and empirical observations. To start with four series are identified.

  1. The future of regulatory management series, where we describe the historic evolution of regulations, leading to identification of six capabilities and five principles. After that we will look forward by addressing eight future regulatory scenarios. We will consider implications of (e.g.) the post-GDPR era, PSD2 for other parts of financial services and the emergence of the Fintech and Insurtech industries.
  2. The regulatory strategy series will deal with the (hidden) customer voice in regulations, links and synergies with digitalization and the topic organization for successful regulatory implementations. Observations concerning (e.g.) the double value of KYC (Know Your Customer), value from investments in EMIR and MIFID2 and the links between CRM projects and regulatory compliance are revealed.
  3. The regulatory innovation series will explore the innovation impact on industries and firms from regulations. Associated innovation strategies and innovation actions will be described. Examples of insight are how Fintech firms can realize regulatory innovation and tangible actions for GDPR innovation strategies.
  4. The Regtech series will display results from multi-year research covering the emerging Regtech solution space. You will learn which capabilities are offered by Regtechs, which regulations are most prominently supported (existing like GDPR, AMLD4 and MIFID2, and future such as FRTB and IFRS17). You will also find out details concerning underlying technology used (both emerging such as Artificial intelligence and Blockchain, but also mature such as Business Process Management and Information Management). A set of user scenarios will be described and recommendations to buyers and Regtech vendors are given. Finally, a design for a platform for Regtech eco-system is proposed.

Each post will be supported by links to both practical reading as well as empirical and theoretical research findings. Possibilities to voice comments and questions will be presented.

So, in order to be sure not to miss the approaching posts: sign up for our newsletter to be alerted.

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